How to Remove Acrylic Paint from Anything and Everything

Learn how to remove acrylic paint from wood, carpet, plastic, and fabric with supplies you already have at home.

Letting your child's inner artist experiment with acrylic paint is a joy to behold (Picasso will be shaking in his boots). But sometimes their masterpieces extend beyond the intended canvas, leaving a trail of acrylic paint on your home rugs and other surfaces. 

In this article, we explain how to easily remove acrylic paint from wood, carpet, plastic, and fabric using cleaning supplies you already have at home.


How to remove acrylic paint 

Depending on the surface, you can use one of these substances to remove acrylic paint:

  • Soap and water solution
  • Rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol
  • Baby wipes
  • Nail polish remover (containing acetone)
  • Vegetable oil or cooking oil
  • Ammonia
  • Vinegar
  • Wet cotton balls
  • Magic eraser

How to remove acrylic paint from wood

If you want to remove acrylic paint from wood, first dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol and gently rub the affected area to loosen the paint. Next, gently scrape off the softened acrylic paint with a plastic scraper or putty knife. After removing the paint, use fine-grit sandpaper to sand the area gently. 

What you’ll need

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton balls or soft cloth
  • Plastic scraper or putty knife
  • Clean water
  • Mild dish soap or wood cleaner (optional)
  • Protective gloves (optional)

Steps to clean

Follow these steps to remove acrylic paint from wood surfaces.

Prepare the work area

Before you begin, collect all the items you'll need for the paint removal. Then, open windows or use fans to ensure ventilation and minimize fumes. Finally, lay down a drop cloth or newspapers to protect the surrounding surface from any spills or drips. 

Test in an inconspicuous area

Before proceeding with the paint removal process, test the method on a small, inconspicuous wood surface area to make sure your chosen approach won’t damage or discolor the wood.

Apply rubbing alcohol to the paint

Dampen a cotton ball or a soft cloth with rubbing alcohol, then gently rub the alcohol-soaked cotton ball over the acrylic paint. Allow the alcohol to penetrate the paint for a few minutes.

Next, gently scrape off the softened acrylic paint with a plastic scraper or putty knife. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure or use a sharp object that could damage the wood. 

If some paint remains after the initial scraping, repeat the process. It may take multiple attempts to completely remove the paint, especially if it's thick or has various layers.

How to remove acrylic paint from carpet

Warm water and a few drops of liquid dish soap can easily remove acrylic paint from carpet. Scrape off the excess paint with a spoon and mix warm water and dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the paint and blot it with a clean cloth. Rinse the area, dry it with a clean towel, and vacuum.

What you’ll need

  • Spoon or dull knife
  • Clean white cloth or paper towels
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Warm water
  • Spray bottle
  • Vacuum cleaner

Steps to clean

To clean acrylic paint from carpet using dish soap, follow these steps.

Blot the excess paint

Using a spoon or dull knife, gently scoop up any excess acrylic paint from the carpet. Be careful not to rub or spread the paint further.

It's essential to address the acrylic paint stain as soon as possible to prevent it from drying and setting further into the carpet fibers.

Prepare your cleaning solution

Mix a solution of warm water and a few drops of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to combine the ingredients. 

Apply the cleaning solution

Spray your dish soap solution on the stained area of the carpet. Ensure the stain is thoroughly saturated but not soaked. Allow the solution to sit on the paint stain for a few minutes. This helps loosen and break down the paint.

Blot the stain

Next, gently blot the stained area with a clean cloth or paper towel. Start from the outer edges of the stain and work your way toward the center. 

Avoid rubbing, as this can push the paint deeper into the carpet fibers. Instead, continue blotting until you no longer see paint transfer to the cloth.

Rinse the area

After removing as much paint as possible, dampen a clean cloth with warm water and gently blot the area to rinse out the cleaning solution and any leftover paint.

If there is still some paint remaining, repeat the steps above until the stain is fully lifted. 

Dry and vacuum

Once the stain is removed, use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to absorb any excess moisture from the carpet. Allow the area to air dry completely and then vacuum the carpet to restore its texture and remove any residual particles. 

Looking for solutions to clean other tough stains from your carpet? Check out our articles on how to remove slime from carpet and the 3 best ways to get highlighter out of carpet.

How to remove acrylic paint from plastic

You can remove acrylic paint from plastic with vegetable oil. First, dampen a soft cloth with oil, then rub the oil-soaked cloth on the acrylic paint. Next, scrape off the softened paint with a putty knife. Wash the plastic surface with dish soap and a sponge and rinse with clean water.

What you’ll need

  • Vegetable oil 
  • Cotton balls or soft cloth
  • Plastic scraper or putty knife
  • Mild dish soap or detergent
  • Warm water
  • Bucket or bowl
  • Clean sponge or soft-bristle brush

Steps to clean

To remove acrylic paint from plastic using vegetable oil, follow these steps.

Apply vegetable oil

Dampen a cotton ball or soft cloth with vegetable oil. Then, gently rub the oil-soaked cotton ball or cloth onto the acrylic paint on the plastic surface. Allow the oil to sit on the paint for a few minutes. 

The vegetable oil acts as a lubricant and helps soften and loosen the acrylic paint from the plastic, making it more responsive to scraping off.

Scrape off the paint

Using a plastic scraper or putty knife, carefully scrape away the softened paint from the plastic surface. Be gentle to avoid scratching the plastic. If the paint remains after the initial scraping, apply more vegetable oil and allow it to sit on the paint before scraping again. 

Clean with dish soap

After removing the paint, prepare a mixture of mild dish soap and warm water in a bucket or bowl. Dip a clean sponge or soft-bristle brush into the soapy water and gently scrub the plastic surface to remove any residual oil and paint. 

After washing, rinse the plastic thoroughly with clean water and pat it dry with a clean cloth.

How to remove acrylic paint from fabric

To remove acrylic paint from fabric, scrape off excess paint with a blunt knife and flush the area with cold water to push out the leftover paint. Apply liquid dish soap to the stain and gently rub gently to loosen the paint particles. Finally, rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold water and launder as usual. 

For more ways to remove acrylic paint from fabric, check out our guide to getting paint out of clothes

Remove acrylic paint from anything with ease

Whether it's on wood, carpet, plastic, or fabric, taking action immediately and using suitable cleaning agents can effectively remove stubborn acrylic paint stains. 

Remember to always test any cleaning solution in a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire surface. Additionally, protect yourself with gloves and work in a well-ventilated area when using solvents. Also maintain a gentle approach to avoid damaging the surface. 

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