How to Get Crayon Out Of Carpet

Get those frustrating crayon stains out of your carpet. Follow our expert tips for removing these colorful stains and learn how pros get crayon out of carpet.

The whole world is a canvas for your kids, and that includes your carpet. Whether you discover a bit of crayon squashed into the carpet pile, or are reeling in horror at the drawing your beloved child has made in the middle of your rug, we’re sharing our best professional tips on how to get crayon out of carpet without having a meltdown.

Removing crayon from carpet (like coffee stains and ash) can be a tricky task. If you haven’t got time for it, you can always book a professional, affordable cleaner with Homeaglow.

Before you start

It’s important to begin the crayon removal process as soon as possible after you discover it. The longer it stays in your carpet, the more difficult it can be to completely remove the stain.

Before attempting any of these crayon removal methods, it’s best to do a spot removal test on an inconspicuous piece of carpet to check if it will affect the appearance.

Carpets are all made from different materials and vary in quality and colorfastness, so it’s best to test your chosen stain removal technique on a patch of carpet that isn’t so noticeable.

Make sure children and pets are kept away as you start cleaning, and wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from detergents and chemicals.

How to get crayon out of carpet: 5 trusted methods

1. The ice cube and iron method

When you first discover a crayon mark on your carpet, try to scrape off any excess crayon wax from the carpet pile with a metal spoon or blunt knife.

Once you’ve done this, take an ice cube and wrap it in cling-film, or a plastic bag. Press the bag directly onto the crayon stain for a minute or so. This method freezes any residual crayon wax that may be clinging to the carpet pile.

Remove the ice cube and cover the stain with a white cloth, such as a tea towel or pillowcase. 

Next, heat up your iron to a warm setting and press it down onto the cloth, over the crayon mark. This will transfer any solidified crayon wax from the carpet onto the white cloth. Move the cloth slightly, and repeat until you can’t see any more colored wax being lifted.

This method should remove most, if not all, of the crayon stain. If there’s still a hint of color remaining, you can use a carpet-safe dry-cleaning solution to finish the job and get your flooring back to its original glory.

2. The liquid dish soap method

This is a simple method you can use to remove freshly discovered stains or crayon marks that aren’t dark in color.

Scrape any excess crayon wax from the carpet pile using a blunt knife. Spray the area with warm water and apply a few drops of liquid dish soap to the stain.

Take a small, stiff-bristled brush and work at the stain until the color lifts. Use a damp sponge to wipe your carpet clean.

If you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn stain, you may need to repeat these steps until the color has been removed.

3. The WD-40 method

This is a variation of the above dish soap method, and we recommend this method if you’re dealing with more stubborn crayon marks.

Start by scraping any excess crayon out of the carpet with a blunt knife. Spray the stained area with WD-40 and leave for a few minutes to sink into the carpet.

Take a small brush with stiff bristles (such as a nail brush) and begin brushing at the crayon marks. Wipe away the excess crayon with paper towels.

Spray again with WD-40, and also apply a few drops of liquid dish soap to the stain. Use the brush to work this solution into the carpet pile, and then wipe away any remaining marks with a damp cloth or sponge.

If there is still some color remaining, carefully repeat the above steps until your carpet is back to its usual color.

Like we said above, be sure to test this method on an inconspicuous part of your carpet first. 

4. The rubbing alcohol method

If you have rubbing alcohol (also called isopropyl or ethyl alcohol)  in the cupboard, you can use this to lift crayon stains that aren’t too severe out of your carpet. 

Scrape away any excess crayon residue with a dull knife. Then, wet a paper towel with a small amount of rubbing alcohol and press down onto the crayon stain. Replace the paper towel with a fresh sheet, and press down again. 

You can repeat these steps a few times if you’re dealing with stubborn stains, but make sure the rubbing alcohol doesn’t completely soak into your carpet. 

5. Carpet cleaner

For extra stubborn or brightly colored stains, you can try a carpet-safe dry-cleaning solution to help get your carpet back to normal. 

You should be able to find a suitable carpet cleaner in any good hardware or homeware store. 

How to get melted crayon out of carpet

The above methods should remove most stains caused by dry crayons, but removing melted crayon from carpet needs a solution with a bit more firepower.

Mix a few drops of liquid dish soap into a cup of warm (not hot) water. Place a white cloth (e.g. a tea towel) over the stained area and then pour the soapy water onto the cloth. 

You’ll need your iron for the next step. On a low-warm setting, press the iron down onto the cloth and over the crayon stain for a minute or so. Check to see whether the crayon mark has transferred into the cloth, and whether your carpet looks clean again.

If crayon stains are still present, repeat the above steps a few more times until the marks have disappeared. Once you’re done, carefully dry the freshly cleaned carpet with a clean towel until all the soapy liquid has been removed.

Get those rainbow-colored crayon stains out of your carpet in a snap

We hope you find these techniques for how to get crayon out of carpet helpful as you begin the task of removing crayon pieces and stains from your plush flooring.

Removing crayon from carpet (especially if it’s melted) can be tricky, but the Homeaglow team is always available to help out if you need it. Find and book your perfect cleaner online today.

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