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How to Get Cat Pee Out of Your Couch: A Step-By-Step Guide

Cat pee smell in your couch is the worst. We explain how to remove cat pee from your couch with methods for different fabric and leather types.

Cats are great. Cat pee isn’t. It has a powerful, long-lasting odor and it tends to impregnate anything with its smell. 

If there's one thing every cat owner needs to know, it's how to remove cat pee from the couch. This article explains exactly how to get it out of your couch, whether it's fresh cat pee or dried.

If you’re short on time or would like professional help, Homeaglow can help you find an affordable cleaner in your area.

How to get cat pee out of a fabric couch

You may need to use a different method depending on the type of fabric your couch is made of. We break down how to clean microfibre and velvet. If your couch is made of a different kind of fabric, you’re probably safest with the microfibre method. 

Before you start, be sure to check the tags on your couch for any cleaning warnings.  

Microfibre couch

If your cat has peed on your microfibre couch, you’re lucky because it's relatively easy to remove. Microfibre couch cushions are durable, thick, and stain and liquid resistant because of the microscopic filaments. You can clean a microfibre couch with various methods, including steam, vinegar, and baking soda.

The following steps will help you get cat pee out of a microfibre couch. 

Step 1: Blot with an old towel

If the couch/fabric is still wet from the urine, wipe it with an old towel or rag to soak up as much as possible.

Step 2: Use natural resources

Next, sprinkle baking soda liberally on the smelly area of the couch. Allow it to sit for an hour or overnight before vacuuming it out.

You can also apply a vinegar solution on the couch. Wait a few minutes, then wipe the area with a cloth. Repeat as needed.

Step 3: Steam clean your couch

Washing or steam cleaning your microfiber couch is another method for removing cat pee. Fill your steam cleaner tank halfway with warm water and fabric cleaning solution or detergent. Then continue as directed.

Velvet couch

Here’s how to get cat pee out of a velvet couch.

Step 1: Wipe with a cloth

The most crucial component of removing pet urine from a velvet sofa is to extract as much as possible while it is still wet. 

Wipe the area with a cloth, switching to a new part of the cloth as needed to ensure the fabric is as clean as possible. Dab at the couch rather than scrub, as it removes the urine more effectively, lowering the risk of color leaking and material fiber damage. 

For old cat pee smell or dry cat pee smell, move to step two.

Step 2: Check the upholstery tag

On the upholstery tag, look for the letters "w" or "s-w," which indicate that the material can be cleaned with moist treatments.

Step  3: Combine white vinegar and water

Combine a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and tepid water in a plastic container or bottle. Spray the mixture onto the area with the old cat pee, then allow it to dry naturally. 

Step 4: Sprinkle salt over the affected area

After treating the pee location with vinegar and leaving it for several hours, sprinkle a generous amount of salt over it. The granules absorb water and any unpleasant odor.

How to get cat pee out of a leather couch

Here's how to get cat pee out of a leather couch. Remember, before you start, check the tags on your couch for any cleaning warnings.  

Step 1: Blot with paper towels

If the cat pee is still new, blot it up immediately with paper towels until all of the urine has been absorbed. 

Step 2: Use a vinegar solution

Vinegar is a miracle product with many uses, including cleaning baseboards, getting rid of musty smells, or removing cat pee from your couch.

  • In a spray bottle, combine one part vinegar and two parts water. 
  • Then spray it onto the leather couch and allow it to dry. 
  • Next, wipe with a dampened soft cloth.

Step 3

Use a leather conditioner to keep the leather hydrated and supple. 

  • Apply a little commercial leather conditioner using a soft, lint-free rag.
  • Then buff the product on the sofa, paying extra attention to the stain-treated area. 
  • Allow the couch to dry thoroughly before sitting on it again.

Suede couch

Suede is a little different to regular leather. Here’s how to get cat pee out of suede couches.

Step 1: Blot the affected area

Blot the affected region to absorb any residual urine. Preferably,  use a paper towel or a microfiber cloth.

Step 2: Sprinkle with baking soda

Suede-covered couch cushions and pillows quickly absorb pee. In this scenario, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area and leave for 10 or 15 minutes. Then, vacuum off.

Step 3: Use a pet odor remover

Next, use an enzymatic pet-odor removal product to eliminate the pee stain and odor. 

How to get cat pee out of couch foam

The following steps will help you get cat pee out of couch foam.

Step 1: Blot

Blotting the area where the pee is on the couch will make a huge difference, whether you use a cat odor eliminator spray or the tried-and-true baking soda technique. Unfortunately, scrubbing may drive the pee further into the foam, making it difficult to remove.

Step 2: Use baking soda

Baking soda is an excellent remedy that can be used for almost every problem. 

  • Apply a light layer of baking soda on the entire surface.
  • Allow it to absorb the odor for anywhere from 15 minutes to the whole night.
  • Vacuum the baking soda out of your couch foam after you're through.

How to get the cat pee smell out of your couch

To remove the smell, you need to remove and neutralize the cat pee. 

Step 1: Remove any surplus urine

The most important thing is to get the pee out of the couch as soon as possible. It is best to use a cloth or folded paper towel to absorb the pee thoroughly until it dries. If the pee stain is already dry, go to the next step.

Step 2: Pick your cleaning method

Refer to the listed cleaning options above and choose your method based on the fabric of your couch (and the cleaning method recommended on your couch’s tags).

Step 3: Begin the cleaning process

Begin cleaning with your chosen method.

Step 4: Confirm if the odor/stain has been eliminated

After that, check to see if the stain/stink has been completely removed. If there are remaining residues, repeat steps 2 and 3 until you’re satisfied.

Get cat pee out of your couch the smart way

Getting cat pee out of your couch can be easy or tedious, depending on how long the pee has been there and the fabric of your couch. 

If you’d like some professional help, book an affordable, reliable cleaner on Homeaglow.

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