Declutter Checklist: Purge Your House Room by Room

Purge and organize your home with our ultimate declutter checklist. Included decluttering tips for your whole house, plus detailed lists for each room.

If you've ever found yourself stepping on Legos in the middle of the night or rummaging through a chaotic closet to find a matching pair of socks, then you know the struggle is real. 

Let's face it: decluttering is hard. It's enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. That’s why we created an ultimate declutter checklist. 

In this article, we break down the decluttering process room by room to help you manage the chaos and create a calm, more liveable and enjoyable space. Let’s get started!

You can see what's included in a standard Homeaglow cleaning here.


Your home declutter checklist: Tips for getting started

We’ll share our room-by-room declutter checklists in a minute. But first, here are a few important pro tips that can be applied to every room in your house. 

Start small and set goals

Don't tackle your entire house in one go; it can feel overwhelming. Begin with one room at a time, like the living room or kids' playroom. Then, break down each room into smaller tasks. For example, start with decluttering the bookshelf or organizing the toy box.

Use the 4-box method

The 4-box method involves using four boxes or containers to sort your things: keep, donate/sell, trash, and relocate. As you go through each room, place items in the appropriate box based on their category.

Keep a recycling or trash bin nearby

If you have a recycling or trash bin nearby, you can quickly and easily dispose of items you no longer need or things that are beyond repair, without overthinking it. 

Utilize over-the-door storage and vertical spaces

Install over-the-door shoe or pocket organizers on closet, bathroom, or bedroom doors to store small items like accessories, cleaning supplies, and kids' toys.

In addition, install shelves or floating wall-mounted organizers in your living room, bedroom, or kitchen to store books, decorative pieces, or kitchen supplies. Use hooks or pegboards in entryways or utility rooms to hang frequently used tools, hats, bags, or coats. 

When you use the often-overlooked vertical spaces, you free up valuable floor or shelf space, minimize clutter on countertops, and keep frequently used items easily accessible and organized.

Keep a damp rag handy for dusting

As you declutter, you'll likely encounter dust bunnies or surfaces that need a quick wipe down. Keep a damp rag or a microfiber cloth within reach to tackle these small cleaning tasks as you go. 

Label containers, bins, and shelves

Invest in a labeler or use printable labels to create a sense of order and clarity in your newly decluttered spaces. Label containers, bins, and shelves to identify what's stored inside, and make it easier to find items and maintain the organization in the long run.

Bedroom declutter checklist

  • Clothes

Sort your clothes and remove items you no longer wear, don't fit, or are in poor condition. Donate or sell clothes that are in good condition but no longer serve you. A good rule of thumb: if you haven’t worn it in a year, time to toss it. 

  • Shoes and accessories

Declutter shoes that are worn out, uncomfortable, or no longer match your style. Get rid of accessories like belts, scarves, or jewelry you no longer wear or enjoy.

  • Bedside table and nightstand drawers

Clear out old receipts, empty water bottles, or outdated reading material from your bedside table and nightstand drawers. Keep only essential items like a lamp, a book, or an e-reader, and things you use every night.

  • Linens and bedding

Assess your linens and bedding for items that are worn out, stained, or no longer used. Donate or recycle old sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, and keep only the ones you need.

  • Under the bed

Look under your bed and remove any items stored there but no longer needed or used. Use under-bed storage containers to organize seasonal items or belongings you want to keep.

  • Books and magazines

If you have a bookshelf in your room, go through it and remove books or magazines you've read and don't plan to reread or reference. Donate or sell them to free up space and share the joy of reading.

  • Jewelry and accessories storage

Declutter your jewelry and accessories by sorting through broken, missing pairs or no longer worn items. Untangle necklaces, organize earrings, and discard any jewelry beyond repair or showing signs of wear and tear. 

A pro tip is to invest in a jewelry organizer to keep your accessories organized and prevent tangling or damage.

Extra tip: If you need to deep clean your bedroom, check out our bedroom cleaning checklist.

Bathroom declutter checklist

  • Expired medications and toiletries

Check your medicine cabinet and storage areas for expired medications, ointments, or creams. Discard any products that have passed their expiration dates or are no longer used.

  • Beauty products and tools

Sort through your lotions, serums, or cosmetics and identify items you no longer use, duplicates, or products that haven't worked well for you. Consider donating unopened and partly used products to local shelters or friends who might need them.

Next, examine your makeup collection for expired products or changes in texture, smell, or color. Dispose of old or expired makeup items and clean or replace beauty tools that have become worn or dirty.

  • Old and worn-out towels

Remove towels that are beyond repair or no longer provide the absorbency or softness you desire. Repurpose old towels as cleaning rags or donate them to animal shelters.

  • Expired or unused personal care items

Go through your personal care items, discard any expired items, and replace them with fresh ones. Next, toss old or dull razors, and keep only what you use regularly.

  • Old or unused bath toys

If you have children and a collection of bath toys that are no longer used or have become moldy or damaged, it's time to let them go. Discard broken or unhygienic toys and keep the ones still in good condition and enjoyed by your children during bath time.

Tip: For more information on making your bathroom look clean and tidy, check out our bathroom cleaning checklist.

Kitchen declutter checklist

  • Unused small appliances

Assess your small appliances, such as blenders, juicers, or slow cookers. Determine if there are any appliances that you rarely or never use. Donate or sell these appliances to free up counter or storage space and declutter your kitchen.

  • Excessive plastic containers and lids

It’s not uncommon to have several plastic containers and lids that can be useful when needed. But we sometimes continue stocking up on them until our kitchen fills up gradually.

Get rid of any containers with missing lids, cracked or warped containers, or those that are rarely used. Keep versatile containers that are in good condition and suit your needs.

  • Fridge cleanout

Clean out your refrigerator to remove expired or spoiled food items. Discard any leftovers or ingredients that have gone bad. Wipe down shelves, drawers, and door compartments to keep the fridge clean and odor-free.

  • Excess dish towels and kitchen linens

Assess your collection of dish towels, pot holders, and kitchen linens. Keep a practical number of these items and donate or repurpose the rest. Dispose of worn-out or stained dish towels that are no longer effective for drying or cleaning.

  • Unused or broken kitchen utensils

Take inventory of your kitchen utensils, such as spatulas, serving spoons, and tongs. Discard any broken or damaged utensils that are beyond repair. Let go of other utensils you never use. 

  • Unused cookbooks and recipe cards

Let go of cookbooks you no longer use or recipes that don't align with your family's dietary preferences or restrictions. Consider donating or gifting these cookbooks to others who may benefit from them.

  • Excess or expired cleaning supplies

Take stock of your cleaning supplies, such as sprays, wipes, or specialized cleaners. Discard expired or unused cleaning products that occupy your kitchen cabinets. Keep the essential cleaning supplies you regularly use and restock them as needed.

Tip: If you need to clean your kitchen thoroughly after you declutter, use our kitchen cleaning checklist.

Closet declutter checklist

  • Outgrown or unused children's clothing

Sort through your children's clothing and remove any items that no longer fit. Set aside clothes still in good condition to donate or pass on to other families. Keep only clothes that your children currently wear and enjoy.

  • Outdated or ill-fitting clothing

Go through your wardrobe and remove outdated clothing items that no longer fit your style or body shape. Consider donating or selling clothes in good condition but no longer serving you.

  • Worn-out or damaged shoes

Discard shoes that are excessively worn, uncomfortable, or damaged beyond repair. Keep a practical number of shoes in good condition and suitable for everyday use.

  • Unused accessories

Evaluate your accessories collection, such as belts, scarves, hats, or jewelry. Keep only the accessories that you enjoy and that complement your current style.

  • Excess hangers

Take stock of the number of hangers in your closet and remove any excess hangers taking up valuable space.

  • Unused or broken luggage

Check your closet for broken or damaged luggage. Discard any luggage damaged beyond repair or that you no longer use. It's best to only keep luggage that serves its purpose and meets your travel requirements.

  • Uncomfortable bras and undergarments

Discard bras that no longer fit well, are uncomfortable, or have lost shape. Keep only undergarments that provide proper support and comfort.

Declutter your home with ease

Decluttering is not a one-time event but an ongoing practice. Regularly reevaluating belongings and letting go of items that no longer serve you will allow you to maintain a clutter-free home and avoid accumulation over time.

A pro tip to remember as you embark on your decluttering journey is to set realistic goals and take it one room at a time. Breaking down the process into manageable tasks helps prevent overwhelm and ensures steady progress. So, roll up your sleeves and start decluttering your way to a more tranquil home.

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